Tag Archives: bare feet

Guest Post: Why Recruiting in Bare Feet Can Make You More Successful

I have long felt that as a recruiter that there is no need to work in an office everyday as most of our work is on the phone and computer. Today we have another guest post from Lisa Gebhard on the virtues of being able to do just that.

Bare feet.  Relaxing.  Free.  No constriction.  Allows for movement.  Frees your mind.

All great reasons why everyone should work in bare feet. Ok, I understand if you are in construction or a tradesman – probably not the smartest idea.  But I work behind a desk all day long, so why not be free?

One of the benefits in working virtually is that you do not have to be in dress code – you can really wear whatever you want! Some people do not get out of their pajamas but I often choose a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.

My mother has often challenged me to “dress up” on some days as if I were going into the office.  She thinks that it would boost my spirits or spark my professional speak.  I tend to disagree.  Bare feet are the key to my success because it allows me to be free. 

My job as a recruiter is a great fit for me because it allows me to utilize my top skills and traits and allows me to talk to people, especially getting them excited about a company that excites me.

All dressed up in a stuffy suit and shoes that are cute but are uncomfortable may hinder my enthusiasm.  When you are using the telephone for your work tool, tone is most important. If my “piggies” are all crunched up and I’m sweating in a suit jacket – my candidates will hear that on the other line!  My exciting tone and energy is conveyed beautifully because I am in my bare feet and relaxed.

I think that more companies should encourage working from home environments.  You have the comfort of your surroundings, you do not have a commute that can make your irritable and you can wear what you want.

As working virtually  continues to gain popularity, I hope that the option of bare feet does too.  Just think about how much more work you can get accomplished and how much more at ease you’ll be.

Take those shoes off!

Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did! Make sure to follow Lisa at @lisarecruitsadap and connect with her on LinkedIn.

Until next time – good hunting and good luck!